Our Values – The CDSC Mission Statement

The Christian German School Chiang Mai (CDSC) offers a unique opportunity for a German-speaking education in Thailand, with excellent educational opportunities from kindergarten (age 3 years) through the German Abitur. The CDSC program combines general education goals with Christian values. With classes and testing opportunities equal to those in Germany, CDSC graduates are qualified for access to German and international vocational training and study programs. The CDSC, as a German school abroad, is recognized by both German and Thai authorities and is sponsored with personnel and finances through the German Foreign Office.


The CDSC is a second home for many students. Our shady green campus offers a harmonious learning and living environment in a quiet, natural setting. All students can feel comfortable here and develop healthy friendships with each other. In addition to learning in small groups, children eat lunch together, work on homework in supervised groups and can choose between many organized games and meaningful leisure activities in the afternoon. We are an integrated community of teachers, students and parents, encouraging everyone to take an active part in school life.

Our Christian worldview values humanity as a whole and each person as unique and valuable. In order to uphold the value of each student, we emphasize the value of individuals regardless of race, religion, culture or capabilities. Christian values such as honesty, charity, helpfulness and respect for others inform our educational theory and everyday interaction and are lived in regular Christian devotions, school services and through the celebration of Christian holidays. We accept different religious and cultural approaches among our students and strive for an environment of mutual respect and healthy critical debate.

Wir leben christliche Werte

Personal development based on a Christian understanding of values is a special educational focus at CDSC. We support our students on their path of personal discovery and growth, encouraging their individual talents, fostering intrinsic motivation and challenging them toward independent thought and action. Personal skills such as a sense of responsibility for fellow human beings, distinctive social skills, a friendly and confident attitude, and environmental awareness are also valued components of learning.

Wir fördern die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

At the CDSC, we welcome students from all over the world and want to stimulate interest in and understanding of other countries, languages and cultures. Thailand, as our host country and chosen home, is a particular focus. We use the term “cosmopolitanism” to define the way in which we choose to reach out to one another and learn from each other. To this end, we promote intercultural encounters with people in Thailand and beyond.

Wir sind eine weltoffene Schule

The CDSC supports parents in their educational plans for their children. We work closely with parents and guardians to support children in all areas of development, from general education issues to specific special learning needs (e.g., language training and support). The CDSC is led by a competent executive committee consisting of educators, administrators and representatives of the Marburger Mission. In addition, the school benefits from the support and involvement of parents and guardians; their constructive participation in committees and working groups is both welcome and desired.

Wir arbeiten zusammen

We want all our students, from the youngest in nursery to the oldest preparing to graduate, to be inspired by the world around them. A child’s thirst for discovery, exploration and learning should grow over the years and should be a constant companion for each student at CDSC. We are always available to nurture the process, encouraging students to ask thoughtful questions and find answers on their own. Each student is uniquely creative; we want to unleash this creativity in a thought-provoking atmosphere that also leaves room for spontaneity. We look for every opportunity to encourage students to express their own thoughts and to develop their own projects based on those ideas.

Wir wecken Neugier und Kreativität

The CDSC provides a solid, comprehensive general education and also fosters personal skills and learning habits that are increasingly important in the global community. We purposefully promote these competencies through the intentional methods-based curriculum, regular practice and competency-based teaching. Through regular participation in comparative tests, competency tests and the final Abitur exam, our high standard for graduates is upheld and connectivity to the German education system is ensured for those who will complete their education in Europe.

Wir vermitteln Wissen und Kompetenzen

The ability to express oneself clearly and concisely in both oral and written language is a prerequisite for academic and professional success. As part of the language focus at CDSC, we provide the support our students need to achieve excellent, native-level German-language fluency, as well as a sound knowledge of English, French and Thai during the course of their schooling. Being part of the DIA, English is of particular importance in the higher grades. In almost all subjects and extra-curricular projects, our students hone their verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

Wir trainieren Kommunikationsfähigkeit

In an increasingly technological world, technological skills play a key role in professional success. To prepare our students for tomorrow’s requirements, we integrate the latest technologies and media platforms into our teaching methods and everyday school life in age-appropriate and responsible ways.

Wir bereiten auf morgen vor

The mission statement of CDSC was revised in the 2012/13 school year.