
The Christian German School Chiang Mai—a German school abroad supported financially and with personnel by the German Foreign Office—stands for excellent German-speaking education in northern Thailand. We offer education beginning in kindergarten and continuing through elementary school and secondary school, all the way to the general German university entrance qualification, the German International Abitur (DIA).

Our educational program emphasizes personal development based on a Christian understanding of values.

The welcoming school grounds and warm atmosphere in our school community are trademarks of CDSC; many parents notice this on their very first visit.Markus Brandtner

Our website aims to introduce our school to you, answer questions and provide you with means to get in touch with us. I look forward to hearing from you!

Markus Brandtner, Principal

Founded in October 1994, the Christian German School Chiang Mai (CDSC) started with 26 students and 11 teachers. Today, the CDSC not only has 232 students and 32 colleagues, but is also one of the German Schools Abroad recognized by the German government and has been awarded the title “Excellent School Abroad.”

At CDSC, we do not simply impart necessary knowledge, we shape our children’s personalities. Our school is guided by a Christian view of humankind. A vision of our school authority, the Marburg Mission Foundation, is to give our students a solid and beneficial foundation of values for their lives.

The CDSC is also a home for students, who often live far away from their country of origin. The Christian German School Chiang Mai not only has a great success story to look back on, but also has the best preconditions for further growth in both size and quality.David Nescholta

Thank you very much for your interest in our website and I hope you will continue to support our school.

David Nescholta, Chairman of the School Board