Guest Student Program for German Students

You would like to get to know other countries and cultures?

You have always wanted to spend a year living abroad?

You would like to experience a foreign country, without losing valuable preparation time for your Abitur?

Take a closer look at our Guest Student Program! The program will broaden your language skills and better your chances on the job market, but more so, it will present you with challenges, adventures and fun.

It is no secret that Thailand is an especially attractive travel destination and that the city of Chiang Mai boasts a phenomenal cultural landscape. The mountains surrounding the city lend themselves to unparalleled outdoor adventures: hiking, biking, rafting in all variations.

At our school, you can obtain the German International Abitur (Deutsche internationale Abiturprüfung DIA). In addition to standard German subjects, we offer physics in English from the 10th grade on and a bilingual history class starting in the 8th grade. At CDSC, our Christian foundation leads the way. We offer small classes for exceedingly well-mentored instruction, as well as various extra-curricular activities in the afternoon: soccer, basketball, music, creative work, etc.

The cost of living in Thailand, especially in Chiang Mai, is less than in Europe. The medical standards are high, and a number of international hospitals guarantee good care in case of an emergency. The school will help you with the necessary formalities to acquire your visa and to find a host family.

You may find a host family whose standard of living is not the same as what you are used to at home. This, too, can be a positive experience. There is no question about it: your life here, in a different country and culture, will be different than the one you know at home. And exactly that is the appeal of a year abroad. The willingness to get to know and accept the otherness of people—and the willingness to adapt—is an important part of our Guest Student Program. If you bring this openness on your journey, the benefits of your year will be immeasurable, and you will never forget your stay abroad.

You should currently be in the 9th grade at Gymnasium, so that you can start in the 10th grade here. Planning ahead of time allows for a seamless transition back into the German school system.

If you are interested in foreign cultures, speak English well and are up for challenges, then apply now for a year abroad at CDSC!

Items Costs
Tuition fees
(cost not listed in euros due to exchange-rate flux)
approx. 284,000 Thai Baht (THB) per year
(as of 09/2024)
Admissions fee free of charge (worth 50,000 THB)
School books covered in tuition fees
Visa fees (single entry) covered in tuition fees
Board and lodge with a host family
(reference value)
approx. 300–400 € per month
Round-trip airfare, excursions and class trips,
school transportation, allowance, overseas health insurance, etc.

Foreign students in Thailand require a student visa. CDSC will help you with the application formalities. Underage students staying in Thailand without their parents need a legal guardian; usually, host parents will assume this role.

School requirements

  • You are currently in 9th grade at a Gymnasium or Gesamtschule.
  • You take French as a second language (preferably since the 6th grade).
  • Solid knowledge of English is desirable.

Personal requirements

  • You are sociable, have strong work ethics and are highly motivated to learn.
  • You are ready and motivated to integrate into a foreign family and environment.
  • You have a positive relationship with CDSC’s Christian profile.
  • Your parents support your plans.

Please fill out our online form to register for a spot in the Guest Student Program at CDSC. After we receive your form, we will reach out to you for a conversation in which you can ask any and all questions you may have. To complete your registration, we will need a written consent form from your parents and report cards from the last two school years.

Find out more now at!