Language Offers at CDSC

The primary teaching language and most important language of communication at CDSC is German. To meet the demands of an increasingly globalized world, our students also learn English and Thai, beginning in the 1st grade.

The demand for increased language skills is reflected through all grades, culminating in the German International Abitur (DIA) which has a strong foreign language emphasis compared to the domestic Abitur.

In the 6th grade, students qualified for Gymnasium begin to study French. The French language plays a particularly important role for our Swiss students but is also a prerequisite for students who plan to attend a Gymnasium in Germany. CDSC will assist new students in arranging French tutoring if extra language support is necessary. Beginning in the 8th grade, history courses are taught bilingually (English/German). Physics is taught completely in English beginning in 10th grade. The German International Abitur examinations test physics in English.

