On Thursday, May 23rd, an eagerly awaited soccer tournament took place, bringing together pupils from three international schools – CDSC, BCIS and ABA – on the pitch. The venue was the ABA International School, which provided a professional setting for the tournament.

Just in time for the kick-off at 3.30 pm, the black clouds had disappeared and the rain had stopped. Bright sunshine accompanied the highly motivated U8 and U10 teams throughout the tournament.

In the first game of the tournament, the CDSC U8 team enthusiastically took on their challenging opponents from BCIS. After 20 minutes of play, the game was won relatively clearly with 5:0. The subsequent U10 match was also crowned with success. The U10 players won their game just as clearly with 5:1.

In the second game of the tournament, the CDSC U8 team faced the home team of ABA. The CDSC team got off to an impressive start and dominated the game from the very first minute. So it was not surprising that this game was also won very clearly with 6:0. The U10s game was much more intense. The game was evenly matched for a very long time and not an inch of space was given to each other. Time and again, the CDSC team put pressure on the opponent’s goal and finally won more than deservedly with a narrow 2:1.

The soccer tournament was not only an opportunity for sporting competition, but also for promoting community and cohesion between the schools. We are already looking forward to the next tournament to get even more children interested in this sport. Special thanks go to the organizers and coaches of BCIS and ABA who created an excellent environment for this event and we hope to repeat it soon, possibly on a larger scale.

Last but not least, a big thank you to the parents and supporters of the CDSC, without whose valuable support such an experience for the children would not be possible.

Achim Oppinger / Tony Hoyer