Get ready for the Fun Fair 2024 on May 4th!
A flea market, silent auction, tombola, delicious food, fun games & activities, a bouncy castle and homemade cakes are just some of the things you will be able to experience hands on when visiting our fair.
This year we have a special partner to whom the profits from the Fun Fair will be donated. We have chosen the Lawa Children’s Home of the Marburg Mission, which was opened one year ago. This offers children from hill tribe villages the opportunity to attend secondary school in Chiang Mai in order to have more opportunities in the future. This project is run by the Löwen family, who are members of our own school community.
Start considering whether you would like to offer a booth or be a helper.
We are also looking for someone to run the Silent Auction this year. If you are interested, please contact Ms. Janfrüchte (verwaltung@cdsc.ac.th).
Table reservations will start on April 22nd. An additional email will be sent out to our parents when the time comes.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to this year’s Fun Fair!
We wish everyone a safe and happy Easter school break.