On a cold December day (Dec. 17, 2024), all 6th-grade students went to Chiang Mai University (CMU). Some were already familiar with the forest project from previous projects, for others it was the first time and the excitement was great.
At 8.00 a.m. and in the freezing cold (at least that’s how we sun-kissed students felt), we set off for CMU, where the plan was to collect seeds for our school forest. The aim of the day was to collect at least 500 seeds so that we could plant at least as many trees in the school forest at a later date. We have big plans for our forest project: we want to achieve CO2 neutrality!
With our big goal in mind, we set to work under the guidance of three guides. We spent hours collecting selected seeds and then planted some of them in seedling pots. These will now be cared for by FORRU (Forest Restoration and Research Unit).
At a later date, FORRU will visit us at the CDSC and plant the remaining seeds in our tree nursery together with us. The aim is to nurture them and let them grow until they are strong enough to be planted in the CDSC forest later in the year, where they can grow into large and strong trees.
Mila Bellm / Samuel Hüning (6th grade)