… and this took place on Monday, December 18 in our assembly hall after the devotion. From big to small, the great performances were duly celebrated and resulted in great applause.

We would like to thank our sponsors, without whom this award ceremony could not have taken place. Thanks to them, we had great prizes for all the winners and thus ensured many happy children’s and adults’ faces.

These are this year’s winners:

Preschool Girls:                1) Anni Bellm  |  1) Lia Päs

Preschool Boys:                1) Miran Pickl Bermejo

Flex A / B Girls:                 1) Kaimook Saengdee  |  1) Jia Lanyi  |  3) Yi Lim Chan

Flex A / B Boys:                 1) Ben Ernst  |  2) Sion Schroeder  |  3) Christian Zelikovsky

Classes 3-4 Girls:              1) Xi Ran Liu  |  2) Carys Cherdam  |  3) Elana Zaiss

Classes 3-4 Boys:              1) Henry Zönnchen  |  2) Yi Nok Chan  |  3) Nicolas Carmignani

Classes 5-6 Girls:              1) Mila Bellm  |  2) Viktoria Winterhalder  |  2) Similan Anant

Classes 5-6 Boys:              1) Yue Ma  |  1) Kornelius Tetzel  |  3) Niklas Landmann

Classes 7-8 Girls:              1) Lena Tetzel  |  2) Yuna Asano  |  3) Selma Tetzel

Classes 7-8 Boys:              1) Nino Zaiss  |  1) Jan Georg Karliczek  |  1) Yamin Schottstädt

Classes 9-12 Girls:            1) Deborah Oberg  |  1) Chadaparin Piyamongkolwong  |  3) Rebecca Schleer

Classes 9-12 Boys:            1) Dahyun Ko  |  1) Levi Kramlich  |  1) Anda Schottstädt

Adults / Women:               1) Kirsten Hoffmann  |  2) Julia Jaskolski  |  3) Bea Sheehy  |  3) Pik Chu Shek

Adults / Men:                     1) Eugene Sheehy  |  1) Narawut Chaichompoo  |  3) Frank Goede

Best costume pre-school / elementary school:       1) Jacob Trenk-Hinterberger  |  1) Tila Trenk-Hinterberger

Best costume secondary school:                                1) Aliassalem Hoshang  |  2) Jonathan Armstrong  |  3) Kornelius Tetzel

Congratulations to all the winners and see you all at the next run in 2024.