Climate change concerns us all! Climate protection takes place outside the “normal” classroom in the school’s own forest. This was established for the 25th anniversary of the CDSC in 2019. Since then, more than 2000 trees have already been planted by the pupils. On the one hand, the growing ecosystem offers the best conditions for nature-based biology lessons and on the other hand, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is reduced and a diverse ecosystem is created as a habitat for various animal species. We are supported in this project by our partner “Chiang Mai Forest Restoration Research Unit” of Chiang Mai University (FORRU).

Our ambitious goal is to become a CO2 neutral school in the near future.

And this year, the school forest should continue to grow. For this purpose, the 6th grade students went on a trip to the Doi Suthep National Park in September 2022 to collect seeds. They were warmly welcomed by Apivit Chansai (Pai) (Education Officer), Rattanamon Aioso (Education Officer) and their team and informed about the local ecosystem “forest”. After a very informative and fun day, the students finally successfully made their way back to the CDSC with 500 collected seeds, which were planted in the school’s own tree nursery. The young seedlings are currently being nurtured by until they are big enough to be transferred to the school forest.

To be able to maintain this great project, the CDSC students will be raising funds with a sponsored run in December. This will ensure that the school forest can continue to grow next year and be used as an extracurricular learning space.