Wednesday, May 3rd, was a day off, but not for the teachers! The CDSC faculty met at 8 am at school to talk about the topic of personalised learning. Daniel Santelmann, Sebastian Brendel, Anne Päs, Patrick Kim-Türk, Stephan Tetzel, Jonas Winterhalder and Christina Broneske had prepared a varied and entertaining workshop that dealt with the question of how to provide each individual student with the learning experience they need. Various examples from best practice were presented, among others successful teaching methods from our Re:start programme, followed by in-depth discussions about the benefits, challenges and drawbacks of personalised learning. Then the group split up into subject teams, in which the teachers prepared concrete teaching materials that adhere to the principles of personalised learning and that will soon find their way into our classes. The productive workshop ended on a presentation of the results created by the subject teams followed by a lively round of feedback.

– Julia Jaskolski