Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we were not able to plant our trees with the entire school community as planned. However, we were very happy that we could eventually go to the site and plant the trees together. The approved 50 people including our parents, teachers and students planted a total of 1,000 trees!

Our sincere thanks go to Dr. Stephan Elliott and his staff at FORRU, Forest Restoration Research Unit! Without their support, this project could not have come together.
We would also like to thank all those who have made it possible to implement the project through donations and support from the school community.

Click here for more pictures.

Our forest project continues
The planting day was certainly the highlight of the CDSC Forest project but our work isn’t done yet. We still need to do more weeding and fertiliser application in the coming months and also the first monitoring at the end of the rainy season in November. We hope the situation gets better after the summer holiday so we can get involved as much as possible.
We also planned various campaigns but couldn’t do most of them this school year because of the COVID-19 crisis. We hope we can resume those campaigns next school year such as making fertilizer, vegetarian day, organic vegetable garden, donation run, etc.

Fundraising status
We’ve raised about 20,000 THB through the online donation and about 20,000 THB through a cash donation box so far. Many thanks to you all for making the donation and sharing this project with your family and friends.
Please make your donation here if you want to support our CDSC Forest project. https://www.gofundme.com/f/cdsc-forest

CDSC Forest Quiz
We’ve made a quiz about the CDSC Forest project for the students but you could also take part here if you like. CDSC Forest Quiz
Here you can find all the information about the trees that we planted and this will help you answer the quiz questions. Trees at CDSC Forest