On Wednesday, December 13, our annual sponsored run took place under the new name CDSC FUN(D) RUN and not only the name was new. For the first time, the running course did not run across our school grounds, but across the McKean grounds. Instead of a 400m long lap, this year the runners had a 1km long lap at their disposal, surrounded by beautiful nature, old antique buildings and the whole track beneath large treetops of old majestic trees and therefore mostly in the shade.

After a joint and fun warm-up, conducted by our sports teacher Mr. Kim-Türk, we went straight onto the course. At 9 o’clock on the dot, almost 200 pupils, as well as many teachers, parents and friends, passed the start/finishing line for the first time and many more crossings were to follow.

Once again this year, many pupils responded to the call to join the already sweaty run and came up with great costumes for the race. Not only did Santa Clauses, reindeer and an angel take part in this year’s race, but a “real” knight was also participating.

With a great applauding and cheering audience, good music at the start/finish line and the necessary supply of fluids, you would have thought it would run itself. But of course that wasn’t the case, there was plenty of sweating, but everyone was highly motivated and gave their best.

It’s amazing what a great performance all the participants put in and you can only take your hat off to them. Especially for the runners who even ran over 12 km within the one-hour race! A truly exceptional achievement.

In total, an incredible 1378 km were run by all participants! A really astonishing result.

After the run was over, there was time to fill up on food and drinks before the Olympics organized by the student council began a short time later. Games were offered along the entire running route, which groups from different age groups and classes took part in to determine which of the teams would end up being the Champions of all Olympians.

And so, a really great day came to an end. However, the whole thing would not have been possible without the numerous helpers, the parents who provided the extensive range of food and drinks and the organization team and their great preparation and planning. So, a big thank you to everyone involved.

And last but not least, a big thank you to our numerous sponsors, without whom there could be no prizes for the many winners of our run and who will therefore ensure many beaming faces at the upcoming award ceremony. Thank you very much for your support!

Decathlon | 50 Fly! | Progression | Grand Canyon Water Park | We Learn Thai Chian Mai | Petchlanna Muay Thai School | Elephant Poopoopaper Park | Stiebel Eltron


Next Monday, the winners of the sponsor run will be ceremoniously awarded during the devotion. We are excited to see who has won the race and look forward to a large attendance so that the winners can be celebrated in a fitting manner.

But in the end, everyone is a winner and we look forward to running with you again next year.