From 19 to 23 June 2023, the sixth World Congress of German Schools Abroad took place in Athens, Greece. Under the motto “Competence from Diversity. Community as strength. The Future Conference of German Schools Abroad.”, leaders of German schools around the world came together to actively shape the future of the German school system abroad. Our Chairman of the Board, David Nescholta, and our Head of School, Markus Brandtner, represented the CDSC at the congress.

The panel discussion ,,How do German Schools Abroad need to be positioned for the future?” was moderated by our Chairman of the Board and WDA Board Member David Nescholta. With representatives from the German Foreign Office, from the Bundestag, the Conference of Ministers of Education of the German Federal States and the Central Agency for Research on Schools Abroad, the importance for the education sector and foreign policy was emphasized. Especially against the background of the many international crises, the role of German schools abroad as a means of foreign policy was emphasized.

Over the course of three days, the nearly 200 participants held intensive discussions in small and large groups during this week. With great enthusiasm, 12 different topic complexes were worked on for the schools abroad. In one workshop, our principal presented the CDSC teaching project ,,Re-Start”. It was selected as a best practice in the field of digitalization in teaching for the World Congress of German Schools Abroad.

In addition to political expert panels, the focus was on personal and professional exchange between the participants. The Christian German School Chiang Mai presented itself with its educational work in an excellent way, so that this World Congress was a great success for our school.

More information about the World Congress of German Schools Abroad can be found on the official website of the WDA (available only in German):

And in their video of the event (available only in German):

Notice: Images for this article were provided by the WDA.