Last week, the entire class 9 completed a four-day training to become Net-Pilots. This was done as part of a prevention project initiated by the Federal Centre for Health Education (BzGA) in Germany.


Net-Pilots – what is that?

The project “Net-Pilots” is an innovative approach to prevent excessive computer game and internet use among young people. It is characterised by a particularly effective peer approach in which young people learn from their peers. In this way, problems can be addressed on equal terms and with particular affinity to the target group. Since the project is carried out in schools, success can be achieved quickly across age groups and milieus.



What did the CDSC-Net-Pilots do?

They successfully completed the training to become Net-Pilots from Monday (June 13th) to Thursday (June 16th). In this training they learned about and deepened their knowledge of topics such as Fascination of Media versus Dangers, What is Addiction?, The Addiction Staircase and The Addiction Triangle.

On Friday (June 17th) and the following Monday (June 20th), the Net-Pilots then passed on the knowledge they had acquired to classes 7, 8 and 10 in the form of two 90-minute workshop modules.

Our Net-Pilots did a great job and showed good skills in leading the workshops.


What will happen next?

After the summer holidays, the workshops will be held with other classes. In addition, the Net-Pilots will be available to the students of the CDSC as counsellors for questions of problematic internet use. Furthermore, more modules can be acquired and additional workshops can be offered.


Conclusion …

From the point of view of the students as well as the trainers (Ms Broneske, Ms Hoffmann, Mr Winterhalder), the project has been a complete success so far and has made the participants think or sensitised them for a responsible handling in the daily use of different media.


What about you?

How do you deal with computer games and the internet? Just test yourself with the self-test (test in German)!

You can find more information about the Net-Pilots here (information in German).