What did our students, together with their teachers, make of e-learning in the first semester?
It was a great challenge for everyone involved to start the new school year right away with e-learning. After a short attendance phase before the autumn vacations, we continued with e-learning right afterwards, almost until Christmas!
During these long weeks, students from kindergarten to senior high school worked and learned diligently at home, often on the computer, and many original works were created, some of which are shown here as examples.

The kindergarten, for example, captured the spirit of Loi Krathong, St. Martin’s Day and the Advent season with pictures and tricky crafts.

Grade 5 English students created imaginative texts and pictures about dream houses, grade 6 arts students created imaginative pictures of bus travels.

The seventh graders proved to be gifted rappers in online German lessons, where Goethe’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice came to life in a whole new way. In extensive overviews of optical devices, they also demonstrated their knowledge of optics in physics lessons, as well as neat constructions.

Grade 8 used the dynamic geometry software GeoGebra to represent not only hearts but also other popular figures – with mathematical functions! But in German class, these students also showed creativity and reflection skills with their poems on the topic of “growing up.”

Our 9th graders had already worked on the topic of “role models” during last summer’s e-learning in Religion. At the same time, audio editing was on the curriculum in computer science classes, and as a result, impressive podcasts on special personalities worth listening to were created during this time.

The students of class 12 together with Mr. Weinert, finally, were able to win Mrs. Venzky-Stalling, a theater pedagogue from CMU, for an expert talk! Mrs. Venzky-Stalling first gave them an extremely interesting insight into the visual language and themes of Thai traditional theater in a digital lecture. She then presented some modern works by her students at CMU. Our eleventh graders then discussed these partially experimental works in comparison with European theater concepts from their studies. Once again, a big thank you to Mrs. Vensky-Stalling!

So in the last two school years, learning at home and on the computer could also be used in a versatile, communicative and creative way! We are very happy about every on-site school day, but we can also look back with satisfaction on the acquired knowledge during e-learning.