Dear colleagues,

We hope you are doing well despite all the worries of coronavirus spreading around the world.

We are getting closer to the Easter and Songkran holiday and wanted to share some news regarding our 25th-anniversary project “CDSC Forest”. The seedlings are growing really well in our tree nursery and we will plant more seeds to reach our goal of 1,500 trees. Meanwhile, we managed and planned various campaigns to make this project successful.

  1. Class 6 students ran a campaign called “Donation for the trees. Trees for the future” and sold donated items such as used books, toys and clothes at the Christmas market last December. They will continue this campaign at the Fun Fair in May.
  2. The primary school had a project week in January and the theme was “paper”. During the project week, they made a piggy bank using used plastic bottles. They have been collecting coins with their own piggy banks and the coins will be donated for the CDSC Forest project in May.
  3. The students’ council decided to run campaigns “No waste lunch day” and “Vegetarian Day”. Once a week all the students will take only the amount that they can eat and try not to leave any food waste. And also once a week, they will avoid eating meat. These campaigns will start after the Easter break.
  4. The parents’ council decided to run a campaign to make compost in their garden. As you can imagine, we will need a lot of compost for the trees after planting them in our forest. The homemade compost from our parents will help our trees grow well and be strong.
  5. We’ve raised 350 Euro through the online donation ( and about 200 Euro through the donation box at the school office. It’s still a long way to reach the goal but we hope we can manage that.

There are many things you can do to be part of this project and here are some of our suggestions.

  1. Calculate your family’s carbon dioxide emissions and see the options to offset your emissions.
  2. Turn off all lights for 30-60 mins at home and use candles instead. (No mobiles, laptops, tablets as well!) You can use this time to talk about the environment issues or make a piggy bank using plastic containers or carton boxes.
  3. Make a donation for CDSC Forest on GoFundMe and share the link.

We hope you enjoyed reading this newsletter and looking at the pictures below! However, if you don’t wish to receive future newsletters, please write back with a short sentence.

We hope you enjoy your holiday during Easter and stay safe and sound wherever you are!

*PS: Have you ever wondered what kind of trees we will plant in June? We planted 7 different types of tree seeds and you can find out more information about our trees here.

Best wishes, 

CDSC Forest Preparation Team

Markus, Martin, Stephan, Kiki and Calvin

Site Visit in January 2020

Campaign “Donation for the trees. Trees for the future” by class 6

Click here to see more pictures from the Christmas market.

Primary school’s project week

Click here to see the slide show of project week.