CDSC again Excellent German School Abroad

The CDSC has passed the Bund-Länder Inspection 3.0 with excellence. The inspection team, consisting of Mrs. Kuhlmei (School Inspectorate of Lower Saxony) and Mr. Mayer (KMK Bavaria), was able to confirm that exceptional educational work is being done at the Christian German School Chiang Mai, and once again awarded the CDSC as an Excellent German School.

Graduation 2022 – Life is a journey to new thoughts

As they set out on new journeys, we proudly congratulate our students from this year’s graduating classes. Read more!

CDSC Forest Planting Day – Pupils planted 600 trees!

Since 1961, an estimated two-thirds of Thailand’s forests have been cut down. Students from the CDSC countered this by planting 600 trees. This will 8 tonnes of CO2 from the air each year to offset the school community’s carbon footprint. In addition, the trees will be part of an ecosystem that will provide a new home for many different species of animals. Read more!

Youth for Peace

At the beginning of this year, peace in Europe was broken. For the first time in a long time, there was an armed invasion: Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Dismayed by this confrontation and the accompanying humanitarian crisis, the student councils of numerous German Schools Abroad decided to work together for peace and cohesion in this world. Read more!

We’ve got now solar panels!

To reduce our carbon footprint, 92 solar panels were installed on the roof of the library building. These solar panels will produce approximately 70,000 kWh per year which is about 60% of our yearly consumption! This also means we can reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 30,000 kgCO2 per year.